Innumerable and dissimilar ideas with respect to nature of diseases and their treatments sprang from many dissimilar brains and the theoretical views gave rise to the so called systems, each of which was at variance with the rest and self contradictory. Each of these clever explanations at first threw the user into amazement at the incomprehensible wisdom contained in it and attracted to it a group of followers who echoed the unnatural concepts.
There are systems such as allopathy, antipathy etc., which based themselves upon materialistic concepts. There are systems such as accupuncture, accupressure faith healing etc., which based themselves upon spiritual concepts. Both the kinds of systems failed to solve the mystery of natural diseases each being deficient in one of the two aspects, material, spiritual. Only homoeopathy considered both of them namely the spiritual & material aspects in unity and succeeded in curing the natural diseases. The genuine homoeopathic mode of cure is the only proper way, the only direct way, the only way possible to human skill as certainly as only one straight line can be drawn betwixt two given points.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a psychological disorder of both children and adults characterized by inability to pay attention in their activities at school and at home associated with unusual hyperactivity in children as well as extreme restlessness manifested as inability to focus on the assignments or tasks and subsequent failure to accomplish them in college and in profession in adults. Basically it is a disorder of childhood which passes to adulthood unfortunately not being diagnosed in childhood. Frequently the inner restlessness and taciturnity in an adult with ADHD is misdiagnosed as depression. Not infrequently these individuals are appreciated and admired in the early stages for their unusual intelligence and brilliance.
ADHD can be easily diagnosed in children but they should be closely watched in home and at school. The most usual symptoms of attention deficit in children are failure to pay attention, difficulty to follow instructions, aversion to works involving mental effort, easily distracting nature and those of hyperactivity are fidgeting with hands and feet as well as squirming in seat, being unable to stay steady they keep running and usually can’t play games which make them sit still, they keep on interrupting the conversations of their elders, suddenly run across the roads which cannot be anticipated and taken care by the parents. Usually children above 6-7 yrs age will be sensible and circumspect in their behaviour in the presence of strangers, guests and in particular in a doctor’s office. ADHD should be strongly suspected and treated homoeopathically when this sensible and circumspect nature is absent in a child, making them behave in an unmanageable and self-willed manner in the presence of strangers and even before doctor in a clinic without obliging the words of parents and elders.
In fact this is a hard phase to diagnose in the early stages as the monitoring is difficult. The usual symptoms with which it can be traced out during studies are underscoring, failure in completing the assignments, absenteeism and even dropping out from school or colleges; in professional life frequent change of jobs, bad reviews on account of failures in accomplishing the tasks, abrasive behaviour with colleagues; in personal life they face problems in marital life which lead to divorces; in social life alcohol and drug addiction, disorganization and failure to manage financial resources.
As far as homoeopathy is concerned, it is nothing but restlessness in an extreme degree and simply to speak it is an unusually refractory nature which can be traced out in their parents with a strong history of cancers, epilepsy and T.B. in the family tree. Usually parents attribute it to pampering made by the elders which is not the sole cause in a definite case of ADHD and so, should be taken serious as it may lead to personality disorders in adult life profoundly affecting the studies, career, marital and social life leading to alcohol and drug abuse, if neglected. The children should be placed under genuine homoeopathic treatment as early as it is noticed as the conventional treatments do not offer permanent cure which is frequently the case with most of the psychiatric disorders. The uniqueness of homoeopathy lies in not only foreseeing the future cancerous conditions in an ADHD child of unusually refractory (uncontrollably mischievous) nature but also treating the present condition on one hand and simultaneously making the child free from the cancerous mishaps in future on the other hand.
Allergy may be defined as hypersensitivity to some substances which do not normally cause a reaction. It is due to involvement of nervous system in complaints of other systems. Allergies may be of many varieties such as allergic coryza (cold), asthma, conjunctivitis, itchings, urticarial rashes.
People loosely attribute the cause of allergy to pollen, dust, hair, wool, feathers, mosquito bites, preservatives in food etc. But homoeopathy reckons them all to be mere exciting factors, the real cause being susceptibility of that individual to that particular substance and disease.
The anti-allergic treatments being directed over the over sensitiveness of nervous system tend to cause the benumbing of nervous system which makes it dull and underactive. The side effects not confining to nervous system spread to other systems. Sedation or drowsiness being the most common and early side effect, there will be many evil consequences such as gradual blunting of senses; weakening of memory and intelligence; cloudy, depressive moods; slowing down of all bodily functions such as digestion, urination etc., occur from long term usage of anti-allergics and the long term usage is always a compulsion as the short term usage of drugs only helps in mitigating the present episode of allergy. One of the other evil consequences is that if in some cases the superficial allergies yield to these drugs, there appears a more serious allergy in a transformed manner as for example allergic coryza landing into asthma; urticarial rashes landing into asthma or conjunctivitis etc.,.
Homoeopathy, having the capability of eradicating the susceptibility, offers a quality life to the allergic individuals by making them non-reactive to those exciting factors even if they are exposed to them without any complication what so ever.
This is allergic kind of asthma the individual being allergic to pollen, animal hair, feathers, house dust and in some cases foods containing artificial colours, preservatives and ripening agents. Certain drugs most commonly aspirin, iodine etc. can be allergic to some individuals.
Anti-histamines act chiefly by reducing the hypersensitivity of the organism to the allergens, but along with that they benumb the nervous system on a whole causing drowsiness, weakness of body and mind, blunting of senses etc.,.
Usually the anti-histamines, after an initial lowered sensitivity of nervous system, cause increased hypersensitivity in their secondary action necessitating the increase of dose & frequency of their use. When they are given to hay coryza (allergic cold) for prolonged periods, instead of getting cured, the hay coryza gradually transforms into hay asthma in course of time.
The superiority of homoeopathy over other systems of medicine lies in that the other systems think of mitigating the complaint whenever an individual is exposed to allergens and gets affected with an episode of asthma whereas scientific homoeopathy thinks of curing the individual by eradicating the susceptibility to the allergens so that they will not be affected even on exposure to exciting factors (allergens).
The first mode of employing medicines in diseases is allopathy, which works on the principle “diseases are cured in an individual by producing a different suffering”. These sufferings have no pathological relation whatsoever, to what is actually diseased in the body and the medicines attack the parts most exempt and free from the diseases in order to draw away the disease through them.
The best example to this method of treatment is the use of diuretics of different types to clear dropsical conditions of various parts arising from various causes such as pericardial effusion [excess fluid around heart in its covering membranes], pleural effusion [excess fluid around lungs], hydro-cephalus [fluid accumulation in brain], fluid in joint spaces as well as external dropsies. The most important point that is to be noted here is that the diuretics administered in these cases does not have any pathological relation whatsoever with those parts that are actually diseased i.e., heart, lung, brain and other parts as the prime seat of action of most of these diuretics remains to be the reabsorption centres of kidneys. As the medicine i.e., the diuretic doesn’t deal with the removal of the cause of disease but merely concentrates upon removing the effect of disease viz., the removal of accumulated fluid, the original disease remains uncured though there is some symptomatic relief for a short period, but to worsen the things the simultaneous occurrence of few other troubles in the form of side effects results in the increase of original disease.
To brief all these in Hahnemann’s words “Allopathic treatment is nothing but purchasing a single benefit by a nine fold injury”. Bringing it to common man’s experience it is nothing but “borrowing money from many different sources in an attempt to clear one debt and thus sink financially more than ever before” which should not be the choice of a wise and thinking person.
Anaemia is turning out to be most prevalent threat to mankind. Anaemia may be arising from two causes mainly (1) Bleeding which occurs in vomiting, coughing, urination, piles, menses or other uterine bleedings and (2) deficient formation or excessive destruction of red blood cells.


Instead of supplying iron crudely, it should be supplemented through leafy vegetables, dry dates, dry fruits like anjir, raisins etc., ragee malt is also advisable.
Any exercise whatsoever should be stopped because, take for instance an individual has only 50% of haemoglobin in her blood which means only 50% of the required amount of oxygen is only being pumped by the heart to the tissues all over the body. Oxygen, being such an essential factor without which the tissues and cells cannot survive, should be supplied in full. For this to be done smoothly, the heart is compelled to work double its normal function. To conclude in a single sentence a single heart is supplying blood to two such bodies at a time. One can understand how much load it is taking on and owing to it there may be even increase of blood pressure i.e., the hypertension which should not be lowered one-sidedly without treating the underlying condition viz., the anaemia as it creates further pressure over heart. All the above said are when the individual is at rest. One can imagine now what happens when such an individual is exposed to undue stress and strain (particularly physically) which may even lead to enlargement of heart. So it is almost a compulsion to such individuals to take absolute rest until the haemoglobin levels are increased sufficiently through genuine homoeopathic treatment.
The second method of treatment is “antipathy” which works on the principle “diseases are cured by medicines which produce an opposite suffering”. The secret of success behind this method is that physicians usually gain the confidence of the patient by deluding him with momentary amelioration (relief). Had there not been such a palliative relief, this medical system would have faced extinction many centuries ago on account of its mischievous consequences. It is only one of the modes of treatment, along with homoeopathy, adopted by conventional physicians that had any manifest relation to a portion of sufferings caused by natural disease, but of the opposite kind which ought to be. Antipathy is a kind of treatment whose results are very much short-lived and hence must be totally avoided if we were not to delude and make a mockery of the patient affected with a chronic disease. Treating an ankylosing spondylitis patient by pain-killers and a crohn’s individual with anti-diarrhoeals one-sidedly ignoring the accessory symptoms as well as advancing undercurrent grievous pathology is nothing but making mockery of the poor patient as Hahnemann aptly commented.
In order to carry into practice this antipathic method, the ordinary physician gives, for a single troublesome symptom from among the many other symptoms of the disease which he ignores and passes by unheeded, a medicine concerning which it is known that it produces the exact opposite of the morbid symptom sought to be relieved, from which, he will expect the speediest (palliative) relief. He gives pain killers for pains of all sorts, because this drug soon benumbs the sensibility. He administers anti-diarrhoeals for various diarrhoeas, as it speedily puts a stop to the peristaltic motion of the intestinal canal. Likewise he gives sedatives for those psychiatric patients who suffer from mental agitation which rapidly produces a stupefied, comatose sleep. Similarly he gives laxatives for those who suffer from constipation.
In estimating the value of this mode of employing medicines, we usually pass over the circumstance that it is an extremely faulty symptomatic treatment, which the practitioner devotes his attention in a merely one-sided manner to a single symptom, consequently to only a small part of the whole disease, whereby relief for the totality of the disease, which is what the patient desires eventually, cannot evidently be expected. Though this may afford some transient relief in diseases of rapid course, its inefficiency can be established and experienced as clear as day light in every single case of chronic or persisting affection, because each single time a medicine is employed in this method after the transient amelioration there ensures an increased aggravation [worsening], indeed, of the whole disease. Every attentive observer will agree, that, after such short antipathic amelioration [relief], aggravation [worsening] follows, as part of secondary action or counter action, in every single case without exception, although the ordinary physician is in the habit of giving his patient another explanation of this subsequent aggravation and ascribe it to malignancy and incurability of the original disease, now for the first time showing itself, or to the occurrence of quite a new disease.
It is a matter of daily experience even to a person of mediocre observation skills that a patient suffering from disease of long standing viz., hypertension, diabetes, asthma, hypothyroidism etc., will not be using the medicine of same power which he had initially begun with and compelled to increase them gradually from 5mg → 10mg → 25 mg → 50mg → 100 mg → . . . . . which clearly suggests that the disease was not even maintained status quo with this method of treatment but instead gets gradually worsened as time progresses by, compelling the physician to increase the dose of medicine to maintain the transient relief.
Examples from conventional treatment : If there is a case of diabetes which has increased blood sugar levels that is treated by insulin of 4 units quantity, initially the blood sugar levels are brought to normal during primary action of medicine followed by increase of blood sugar, as part of secondary action, requiring to be treated by 4 more units of insulin in addition to the uncured original disease thus forcing to use 8 units of insulin over a period of time. Thus the dosage is compelled to increase and increase further [10 → 30 → 50 → 80 units . . . . .] as long as the individual is alive without any hope or scope of curing the disease.
Likewise a person who is advised to use 25mg of thyroid hormone, in a case of hypothyroidism, observes an initial raise in thyroid levels in the blood as part of primary action, but later is compelled to use more quantity of thyroid hormone as the original disease gets worsened by the addition of hypothyroid disease which is the consequence of secondary action of vital force. This increase of dosage is a never ending process throughout the life as it keeps on growing 50mg → 100mg → 200mg → . . . . . . so on and so forth.
Similarly after the profound stupefied sleep produced by sleeping pills [hypnotics] during the primary action, the following night will be all the more sleepless, as part of secondary action of the vital force, thus obligating him to use increased doses of hypnotics until the patient at times is funnily [rather in a strange manner] advised to do meditation as the hypnotics available as of now end up helpless.
The condition is the same in every case of chronic disease of longstanding nature such as hypertension, diabetes, hypothyroidism, asthma, rheumatic pains, psychological disorders etc., and not even a single individual who is ailing a chronic disease can escape from this increase of dosage and most unfortunately each and every body should bear the brunt of subsequent side effects of those drugging under the conventional treatments.
Asthma is one of the most frequently diagnosed conditions but not usually in its proper sense. Frequently it is “dyspnoea” meaning “breathlessness” or “difficulty of respiration”. Asthma in its true sense is a respiratory disorder, whereas dyspnoea may arise from various conditions such as cardiac, renal, flatulent, nervous etc. The causation, symptoms and curability according to a broader classification is 1.Bronchial 2.Cardiac 3.Renal 4.Flattulent and 5.Nervous or Hysterical asthma
This is the true asthma, in the sense, the basis of suffering and symptoms being in respiratory tract. This is further sub-divided into
This is the asthma proper in its strict sense with narrowing of trachea, bronchi etc. on account of spasmodic constriction giving forth to symptoms like paroxysmal dyspnoea observed usually in the early hours of morning, the patient waking up with tightness of chest, wheezing as well as dry, spasmodic cough. Most asthmatics are sensitive, intelligent and of dynamic personality and attacks are preceded by anxiety, frustration, over work, fatigue and sleeplessness.
As per Homoeopathy, most asthmatic individuals are predisposed to infantile eczema, urticarial rashes and migraine in the early age. An important observation is that in most of these cases, urticarial rashes (which appear as if mosquito or ant bite) occur as substitute to internal asthma. On suppression of these urticarial rashes with anti histamine drugs or other topical ointments, initially allergic colds (coryza or rhinitis) occur and on further suppression of which results spasmodic asthma. The spasmophilic nature being the undercurrent disease tendency, there will be family/personal history of epilepsy (fits), whooping cough or other spasmodic conditions like spasmodic cry, pains etc.
Use of broncho-dilators result in an increased bronchial spasm (as part of secondary action after the initial relaxation) compelling the patient to use them in more massive and frequent doses throughout their life. The use of steroid inhalers (used exclusively) causes weight gain & obesity and when used in combination with anti-histamines results in profound mental dullness, physical weakness and even sleepiness in many cases.
These are best cured under genuine homoeopathic mode of treatment which takes into consideration the family/personal disposition to urticarial rashes, infantile eczemas, migraine, epileptic (fits) tendencies and cures without any consequent complication of heart failures from COPDs (chronic obstructive pulmonary disorders).
This is allergic kind of asthma the individual being allergic to pollen, animal hair, feathers, house dust and in some cases foods containing artificial colours, preservatives and ripening agents. Certain drugs most commonly aspirin, iodine etc. can be allergic to some individuals.
Anti-histamines act chiefly by reducing the hypersensitivity of the organism to the allergens, but along with that they benumb the nervous system on a whole causing drowsiness, weakness of body and mind, blunting of senses etc.,.
Usually the anti-histamines, after an initial lowered sensitivity of nervous system, cause increased hypersensitivity in their secondary action necessitating the increase of dose & frequency of their use. When they are given to hay coryza (allergic cold) for prolonged periods, instead of getting cured, the hay coryza gradually transforms into hay asthma in course of time.
The superiority of homoeopathy over other systems of medicine lies in that the other systems think of mitigating the complaint whenever an individual is exposed to allergens and gets affected with an episode of asthma whereas scientific homoeopathy thinks of curing the individual by eradicating the susceptibility to the allergens so that they will not be affected even on exposure to exciting factors (allergens).
This can also be termed mucous asthma as the dyspnoea is felt on account of accumulation of mucous in the respiratory passages featuring exhausting productive cough in contrast to dry cough of typical spasmodic asthma particularly on exposure to dry or damp cold air, getting wet and occasionally from getting overheated. These individuals are usually relieved by expectorating sputum which is usually stringy and ropy in nature.
In most of the cases of allergic colds i.e., sneezings and running nose, there will be associated internal swelling of nose (hypertrophied turbinates) and deviated nasal septum (DNS). Surgeries, namely, turbinectomy (removal of swollen turbinate tissue) and nasal septoplasty (correction of deviation in nasal septum), not infrequently force the condition to transform into asthma. Mischief of cough suppressants:
The cough suppressants are very rarely advisable as they result in sputum retention by acting over the brain centres of cough and suppress the cough reflex which further increases the respiratory distress.
The genuine homoeopathic mode of treatments outclass all other systems in dealing the cases of humid asthma as they reduce the excess mucous secretions, which are chiefly responsible for dyspnoea, on one hand and promote the expulsion of existing secretions on the other hand, thereby relieving the individual from the distress.
Though the presenting symptom is dyspnoea, the root cause lies in some heart disorder mainly the left heart failure. The patient is pale, sweating, distressed and feels breathless on lying, which gets relieved in sitting or standing posture (orthopnoea). There will be enlargement of heart with associated high blood pressure or left ventricular myocardial infarction. One of the earliest symptoms is dyspnoea felt on exertion and while ascending steps.
As the popular medical saying goes “rheumatism licks the joint and kicks the heart“, most of the individuals usually suffer from joint pains, namely knee joint pains, before getting attacked by this kind of hypertension and heart disease. So it will be always wise to be under genuine homoeopathic treatment to cure the joint pains which simultaneously prevents the onset of heart disease rather than letting it to advance until the hypertension, heart enlargement and dyspnoea ensues which is no doubt tough to cure.
As the name suggests this is a kind of dyspnoea which occurs in the advanced stages of chronic kidney failure. The patient has dyspnoea without cyanosis (blueness of skin) and with clear mind. The breathing is noisy and often with a characteristic hissing sound.
This mainly depends on the extent of damage already occasioned to the kidney, though it is completely curable in the early stages of kidney failure.
In this kind of asthma at the bottom of the condition is the accumulation of gas in the stomach and intestines oppressing the chest making breathing difficult. This is usually observed after eating flattulent rich food and often relieved by belchings and flatus passed downwards.
Initially the individual should refrain from eating pulses, flattulent rich vegetables such as carrot, potato, beet root, exclusive sour foods and curd. If the symptoms persist even after regulation of diet the individual can be cured of his condition easily through homoeopathy medicines.
The individuals who are nervous, sensitive in nature suffer from dyspnoea without wheezing or cough and which usually subsides when the patient thinks that he is not observed or when he converses with others and during sleep.
The cause chiefly being psychological most of these cases can be cured with a good success rate under scientific homoeopathy treatment as in the case of other mental disorders.
This is the true asthma, in the sense, the basis of suffering and symptoms being in respiratory tract. This is further sub-divided into
This is the asthma proper in its strict sense with narrowing of trachea, bronchi etc. on account of spasmodic constriction giving forth to symptoms like paroxysmal dyspnoea observed usually in the early hours of morning, the patient waking up with tightness of chest, wheezing as well as dry, spasmodic cough. Most asthmatics are sensitive, intelligent and of dynamic personality and attacks are preceded by anxiety, frustration, over work, fatigue and sleeplessness.
As per Homoeopathy, most asthmatic individuals are predisposed to infantile eczema, urticarial rashes and migraine in the early age. An important observation is that in most of these cases, urticarial rashes (which appear as if mosquito or ant bite) occur as substitute to internal asthma. On suppression of these urticarial rashes with anti histamine drugs or other topical ointments, initially allergic colds (coryza or rhinitis) occur and on further suppression of which results spasmodic asthma. The spasmophilic nature being the undercurrent disease tendency, there will be family/personal history of epilepsy (fits), whooping cough or other spasmodic conditions like spasmodic cry, pains etc.
Use of broncho-dilators result in an increased bronchial spasm (as part of secondary action after the initial relaxation) compelling the patient to use them in more massive and frequent doses throughout their life. The use of steroid inhalers (used exclusively) causes weight gain & obesity and when used in combination with anti-histamines results in profound mental dullness, physical weakness and even sleepiness in many cases.
These are best cured under genuine homoeopathic mode of treatment which takes into consideration the family/personal disposition to urticarial rashes, infantile eczemas, migraine, epileptic (fits) tendencies and cures without any consequent complication of heart failures from COPDs (chronic obstructive pulmonary disorders).
This is allergic kind of asthma the individual being allergic to pollen, animal hair, feathers, house dust and in some cases foods containing artificial colours, preservatives and ripening agents. Certain drugs most commonly aspirin, iodine etc. can be allergic to some individuals.
Anti-histamines act chiefly by reducing the hypersensitivity of the organism to the allergens, but along with that they benumb the nervous system on a whole causing drowsiness, weakness of body and mind, blunting of senses etc.,.
Usually the anti-histamines, after an initial lowered sensitivity of nervous system, cause increased hypersensitivity in their secondary action necessitating the increase of dose & frequency of their use. When they are given to hay coryza (allergic cold) for prolonged periods, instead of getting cured, the hay coryza gradually transforms into hay asthma in course of time.
The superiority of homoeopathy over other systems of medicine lies in that the other systems think of mitigating the complaint whenever an individual is exposed to allergens and gets affected with an episode of asthma whereas scientific homoeopathy thinks of curing the individual by eradicating the susceptibility to the allergens so that they will not be affected even on exposure to exciting factors (allergens).
This can also be termed mucous asthma as the dyspnoea is felt on account of accumulation of mucous in the respiratory passages featuring exhausting productive cough in contrast to dry cough of typical spasmodic asthma particularly on exposure to dry or damp cold air, getting wet and occasionally from getting overheated. These individuals are usually relieved by expectorating sputum which is usually stringy and ropy in nature.
In most of the cases of allergic colds i.e., sneezings and running nose, there will be associated internal swelling of nose (hypertrophied turbinates) and deviated nasal septum (DNS). Surgeries, namely, turbinectomy (removal of swollen turbinate tissue) and nasal septoplasty (correction of deviation in nasal septum), not infrequently force the condition to transform into asthma. Mischief of cough suppressants:
The cough suppressants are very rarely advisable as they result in sputum retention by acting over the brain centres of cough and suppress the cough reflex which further increases the respiratory distress.
The genuine homoeopathic mode of treatments outclass all other systems in dealing the cases of humid asthma as they reduce the excess mucous secretions, which are chiefly responsible for dyspnoea, on one hand and promote the expulsion of existing secretions on the other hand, thereby relieving the individual from the distress.
Though the presenting symptom is dyspnoea, the root cause lies in some heart disorder mainly the left heart failure. The patient is pale, sweating, distressed and feels breathless on lying, which gets relieved in sitting or standing posture (orthopnoea). There will be enlargement of heart with associated high blood pressure or left ventricular myocardial infarction. One of the earliest symptoms is dyspnoea felt on exertion and while ascending steps.
As the popular medical saying goes “rheumatism licks the joint and kicks the heart”, most of the individuals usually suffer from joint pains, namely knee joint pains, before getting attacked by this kind of hypertension and heart disease. So it will be always wise to be under genuine homoeopathic treatment to cure the joint pains which simultaneously prevents the onset of heart disease rather than letting it to advance until the hypertension, heart enlargement and dyspnoea ensues which is no doubt tough to cure.
Many people believe that there is no harm in donating blood and some advance further to say that it is beneficial as the lost blood will be replaced by fresh blood in the body. This is a false notion as it amounts to loss of vital fluids.
When we probe into the vital processes in health, the vital energy of the system is constant and is distributed all over the body to perform various functions harmoniously from growth of hair on top to growth of nails down. The acts of respiration, circulation, digestion, thinking, sensing etc., are all included in it. As is the act of destruction of blood cells and production of the same by using some of the elements in the destroyed cells. When once some blood is drained out from the body, the system is compelled to replace the blood as it is indispensable to life. In doing so, the system is forced to divert some of its precious energy for the fresh production of blood from those parts of the body(resulting in depletion of energy there)that which are easily susceptible to diseases. Consequently those parts and functions of the body fall prey to the disease depending upon the genetic inheritance like dyspepsia, paralysis, epilepsy etc.There are many untoward consequences from these loss of fluids.
This is not to say that blood donation, in service oriented nature, is wrong. Blood donation on one occasion and on a second occasion when in emergency is also somewhat allowed, but repeated donation without taking into consideration a person’s health standards is not advisable.
However much we may boast about latest advancements and civilization, it is turning out to be a curse to mankind particularly when the physical and mental health conditions are concerned. When probed into deeply, the core point behind civilization seems to be denying mental as well as physical expression.
The reason behind the increasing incidence of Psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression etc., can be easily traced out to denying of expression of our emotions. We can’t express our fear of dogs, ghosts and such others from thoughts of humiliation before others. We can’t express our anger from fear of non co-operation from other or others being superior to us. We can’t express our success and the joy resulting from it, to avoid others attention and envy upon us. We can’t express our grief from fear of demeaning ourselves before others. At least we can’t express our devotion to God openly and keep it reserved to express at temples, churches etc. Hence with every instance of suppressing our emotion there falls a seed to some physical ailment such as gastric ulcer,hypertension etc., or a mental ailment like anxiety neurosis, depressive disorders etc.
In the same way we are denying the expression of physical complaints especially skin complaints. There are many people who say they prefer to suffer from internal complaint like joint pains or diabetes even though they are troublesome rather than, suffer from an unsightly skin complaint, though safe. Likewise we are denying the expression of a safer epidemic like chicken pox which has got affinity to skin. But nature doesn’t stay calm and rebounds with an expression in the form of a more troublesome epidemic like chikun gunya or mumps. If even these are denied expression, it is attacking in the form of life threatening epidemics like swine flu, haemorrhagic dengue or plague etc.
If we take the case of a dental decay, the internal disease process of decaying (which is evident sometimes and at other times not) gets manifested externally as offensive breathing or bad odour of mouth. People usually use some peppermint or other flavoured paste as a remedy to the decay and remain free from the bad odour, but the decaying process advances further under currently. This point is confirmed on innumerable occasions with decay of teeth even though the individual is habituated to clean his teeth once or twice daily. Any amount of such dental hygiene can’t prevent the dental caries without treating and curing the tendency to cariesThis can be aptly compared to a blockage of drainage channel. Usage of pastes without radical removal of caries through homoeopathic treatment is nothing but using a room refreshner without clearing the blockage of drain, and remaining insensible to the putrid odours of effluents which is a temporary solution, the permanent solution being removal of blockage. Thus the denial of bad odour of breath by using pastes does not relieve the underlying caries, which in fact is favouring its progress by making ourselves insensible to the bad odour.
Homoeopathy believes in curing the disease by expressing it. The more expressive the disease is, the easily curable it is and the vice versa the less expressive the disease is, the more incurable it becomes.
As per homoeopathy every disease trait is hereditary. By saying so, for example diabetes is hereditary, many people wonder that they are the first persons to suffer from it in their family tree, then how can it be termed hereditary. While wondering so, they are missing a simple point that any hereditary complaint should start in one generation and later it inherits to next generation.
Any how the concept of inheritance in homoeopathy differs from what is said in allopathy. Allopathy speaks of inheritance of disease i.e., allopathy says a disease is hereditary if the same disease occurs in two generations for eg: colour blindness. But homoeopathy speaks of inheritance of disease tendency. For example cancerous tendency is inherited from previous generation. This tendency takes the form of live cancer if he is an alcoholic; lung cancer if he is a chronic smoker; mouth cancer if he is a prolonged tobacco chewer. Likewise an infective tendency may be inherited, the expression of tendency differing as tonsillitis, hepatitis, pneumonitis, appendicitis etc. A spasmophilic tendency may be inherited, the manifestation of that tendency differing as epilepsy, spasmodic asthma, dysmenorrhoea (pain during menses), whooping cough etc.
Thus the disease tendency is inherited but the particular manifestation of disease differs owing to diet, mode of living, social factors, psychological conditions. There may be many conditions which may be inherited such as glandular, neuralgic, paralytic tendencies etc. The family history of the patient and its careful tracing decides the inherited tendencies which the present patient is likely to suffer from. For this reason the noting down of family history plays a major role in the study and analysis of any case particularly when it is a chronic disease.
Now-a-days counselling has become a crazy affair with increasing awareness and incidence of psychological troubles. One should note that mere counselling does not serve the purpose and not infrequently futile in cases of true psychiatric disorders.
The manifestation of the segregation attitude can be perceived in its root stages in the gradual fading away of combined family culture where one has a choice for congenial persons among the many family members with whom one can share his thoughts and emotions and get relieved from the emotional burn away to lead a peaceful life thereafter. With the gradual perishing of that family culture, unfortunately, the segregation attitude is progressing further with segregation between families, segregation from friends, segregation among family members first starting with children and later with the life partner, at last leaving the individual alone with no body to share their feelings and express their emotions. This lack of expression is the root of many unreal psychological and emotional disorders which is an unfortunate and regrettable by-product of so much boasted civilisation.
In these cases, where people are denied expression of their emotions, counselling to some extent serves to relieve the individual from his emotional burn away. Even in these cases where ailments start from suppressed emotion like anger, grief, fear and joy genuine homoeopathy treatment is an ideal and permanent solution to make the individual completely healthy.
Relaxation of muscles, ligaments and tendons has become a growing concern resulting in hernias like inguinal, femoral, incisional, umbilical, hiatus etc.; prolapsus like prolapse of uterus, rectum, urinary bladder and piles etc.; dislocation like shoulder, ankle and jaw etc. These are conditions which ultimately lead to surgery with every possibility of recurrence in the same part or even in a more important part, as the tendency to relaxation of musculature in that constitution cannot be removed through surgery which owes its background to some deep seated conditions like cancers, tuberculosis etc in the family tree.
Relaxation of musculature occurs from loss of tonicity in muscular elements like tendons, ligaments etc., which owe their background to deep seated affections like tuberculosis, cancer etc in the family history. Homoeopathy sees this relaxation in the flabby built of an individual which runs all through. Those who are of lax fibred nature are more prone to these complaints. A common feature in such individuals is spongy nature of gums leading to looseness of teeth and their fall in an unusually early age preceded by bleeding from gums on brushing, pressing or sucking etc.
With increasing incidence of obesity and related problems, world over, maintaining fitness has become a matter of concern. But the point here is what is a healthy exercise? we need to know the thin difference between a healthy exercise and an exertion.
Similarly a mischief which is becoming most prevalent in youth is calisthenics done in gyms to develop a strong or graceful physique. If we take a case of heart enlargement the overgrowth of heart musculature is an evil consequence of over work beyond their capacity, hence named work hypertrophy of heart. The overgrowth of muscles on working in a gym is serious and injurious similar to heart enlargement. As we study in physics brittleness is proportionate to hardness. So only we observe breakdown in professional players who play beyond their capacity for fame, money and such other things as compared to children who play only for joy.
The fourth and last mode of treatment is Homoeopathy in which medicines are employed on the principle “diseases are cured by medicines which are capable enough of producing similar sufferings as those of the disease to be cured”.
The homoeopathic mode of cure is the only proper one among all the possible modes of employing medicines in diseases, as it is the only direct way to a mild, sure, permanent cure without doing injury in any other direction, thereby without weakening the patient. It is one of the modes of treatment along with antipathy which has manifest relation to the sufferings of the patient but of similar and curative relation.
In homoeopathic cures we can see that from the uncommonly small doses of medicine required in this method of treatment, which are just sufficient, by the similarity of this symptom, to overpower and remove the similar natural disease (as they precisely affect the same parts and functions of the body which are already diseased on account of their susceptibility to the disease with natural or medicinal) there certainly remains, after the destruction of the natural disease, at first a certain amount of medicinal disease alone in the organ but on account of the extraordinary minuteness of the dose, it is so transient, so slight, and disappears so rapidly of its own accord that the vital force has no need to employ substantial energy against this medicinal disease.
Any treatment whether it is allopathy, ayurveda, herbal or any other which uses medicines in massive doses, without exception, will produce side effects. Then the question arises how homoeopathy is able to cure diseases with medicines in such minute doses that are incapable of producing side effects. The reason behind this is homoeopathic medicines act in similar relation to the disease and by their action on the same parts that are actually diseased. This concept can be better understood by the following example. A horrible stench in a room which has profound effect on the sensitive nerves of the nose can be undone by a drop of perfume which acts on the same olfactory nerves. Neither a noise produced from a 1000w speaker which exerts its influence on the nerves of ears nor a strong light of 500w which exerts its influence on the nerves of eye, nor a delicious food which act on the taste buds and nerves of the tongue can clear this olfactory disgust however strong and massive the influence may be, as all of them exert their influence on other nerves which are not related [though they may make the individual imperceptible of the disgust for a short while]. But this can be miraculously achieved by a minute dose of perfume as it acts on the same nerves.
The genuine homoeopathic mode of cure is the only proper way, the only direct way, the only possible way to human skill as certainly as only straight line can be drawn betwixt two given points. Hence noble visions of “Health for all by 2000A.D. or 2020A.D. or . . . . . .” cannot be achieved by those treatments which usually run in a vicious chain link of “Disease → medicine → side-effects → more complex disease → medicine → side-effects →. . . . . . .” which often terminates with the death of the innocent creature. Only genuine homoeopathy which treats diseases without any side-effects what so ever, if not in the near future, can achieve the noble visions of “Health for all” ultimately.
This can also be termed mucous asthma as the dyspnoea is felt on account of accumulation of mucous in the respiratory passages featuring exhausting productive cough in contrast to dry cough of typical spasmodic asthma particularly on exposure to dry or damp cold air, getting wet and occasionally from getting overheated. These individuals are usually relieved by expectorating sputum which is usually stringy and ropy in nature.
In most of the cases of allergic colds i.e., sneezings and running nose, there will be associated internal swelling of nose (hypertrophied turbinates) and deviated nasal septum (DNS). Surgeries, namely, turbinectomy (removal of swollen turbinate tissue) and nasal septoplasty (correction of deviation in nasal septum), not infrequently force the condition to transform into asthma.
The cough suppressants are very rarely advisable as they result in sputum retention by acting over the brain centres of cough and suppress the cough reflex which further increases the respiratory distress.
The genuine homoeopathic mode of treatments outclass all other systems in dealing the cases of humid asthma as they reduce the excess mucous secretions, which are chiefly responsible for dyspnoea, on one hand and promote the expulsion of existing secretions on the other hand, thereby relieving the individual from the distress.
Hypertension is one of the rapidly escalating scourges to mankind. It is one of the diseases in the treatment of which the virtue of homoeopathy can be clearly established when compared to other systems of medicine.
As far as other systems are concerned rise of blood pressure beyond 120/80 mm of Hg. is considered as hypertension. Bringing down the blood pressure levels to 120/80 mm of Hg is considered as cure. The symptoms associated with it and which externally manifest the whole internal derangement are not of much value. If at all they value it, they attempt to mitigate them symptomatically without having an integrated outlook of the whole phenomena. For example if we reckon a case of early stages of kidney failure where there is necessity of increased blood pressure to continue the filtration of urine without interruption, it can be called a case of essential hypertension. Similarly in a case of profound anaemia the heart will be forced to work double (or even more) than its normal potential to supply adequate oxygen to the tissues which may lead to increase of blood pressure. So in cases where the hypertension is essential, it is not advisable to reduce the blood pressure one-sidedly without treating the factors that are responsible for the hypertension. The antipathic treatments intended to reduce the hypertension may even result in enlargement of heart owing to work hypertrophy.
In every case of hypertension, homoeopathy tries to trace out the causal factor which is responsible for the increase of blood pressure. In the process of covering the disease on a whole, homoeopathy also includes the external manifestation of the internal derangement so that the disease in its whole extent is eradicated i.e., the causal factor and its clinical manifestation viz. hypertension gets cured.
Hypothyroidism is a condition which arises from deficient secretion of thyroid hormones resulting in lowered basal metabolism.
The symptom picture of hypothyroidism can be best explained by the sluggishness of almost all functions, a result of lowered metabolism. They are lowered appetite or hunger, indigestion and constipation from sluggish intestinal motility and digestion; undue sleepiness day and night from sluggish circulation to brain; delayed menses; sluggish mental and physical activity manifesting as heaviness and tiredness with aversion to work; sluggish burning of fat resulting in weight gain and obesity; sluggish activity of skin expressed in the form of dry skin and hair owing to deficient sweating; depressed sexual functioning etc. There may be associated swelling of thyroid gland i.e. goitre.
Surgery is advised when there is swelling of thyroid gland i.e. goitre, particularly performed, in colloid goitre, tumours and hyperthyroidism not responding to iodine treatment and anti-thyroid drugs. But the consequences are bound to occur, though hormones are supplemented from outside, as the thyroid hormones are very vital in maintaining the basal metabolism. One of the miserable complications which profoundly affects the quality of life following thyroidectomy is myasthenia gravis which features abnormal fatigue when manual work is done as for example a house wife begins to drop trays towards the end of the day, a traveller drags his legs as he walks or climbs stairs, a lecturer’s voice may fall to a whisper at the end of his discourse, eye lids start to droop down, dropping of jaw, head falls back or forwards on watching cinema or T.V. for long periods and general muscular fatigue towards evening etc.
Most of the other systems think of supplementing the hormones in these cases which is not quite a wise thing to do as it always carries the risk of over or under dosage on account of failure in assessing the exact condition each time which varies basing on the physical and psychological factors at that time. Homoeopathy thinks of stimulating the system to secrete the adequate quantity of desired hormones instead of crude supplementation of them which is a fallacious approach as far as principles are concerned. In most of the cases it is rich of deep seated disorders like cancers in the family history. Also associated with it are white discharge or leucorrhoea, delayed menses from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and history of abortions. Some patients may have uncommon symptoms of the disease such as abnormal and insatiable hunger, oily sweat etc.
The greatest asset of Homoeopathy is that Hypothyroidism can be prevented, through genuine homoeopathic mode of treatment, far before its clinical onset by recognizing it with the symptom of unusual sleepiness day and night initially before or during menses, later during pregnancy, prior to its stabilization in the economy as overpowering sleepiness day and night regularly.
The individuals who are nervous, sensitive in nature suffer from dyspnoea without wheezing or cough and which usually subsides when the patient thinks that he is not observed or when he converses with others and during sleep.
The cause chiefly being psychological most of these cases can be cured with a good success rate under scientific homoeopathy treatment as in the case of other mental disorders.
As far as homoeopathy is concerned infertility is dealt with under two categories. They are 1) functional causes and 2) structural causes
In females:
They are relaxation of vaginal sphincter giving scope for gushing out of seminal fluid as soon as it is ejaculated by the male into the vagina (fluor seminis); vaginismus (spasm of vagina), excessive secretion of mucous i.e., leucorrhoea in the female genitals flushing out the seminal fluid during sexual intercourse; excessive sexual desire and masturbation; copious menstrual flow, irregular menses and leucorrhoea without any organic lesions etc.
In males:
Impotency or partial erection of penis; excessive sexual desire and masturbation; immotile or less active sperms in the semen are potent enough to cause sterility in males.
These are best cases of infertility to be treated under homoeopathy as they can be set right with medication without resorting to mechanical procedures like IVF (in vitro fertilization) etc.
In females:
They are cervical polyp, uterine fibroid, uterine hypoplasia, occlusion of fallopian tubes (tubal blocking), pelvic endometriosis, cysts in ovaries such as in polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) etc.
In males:
Testicular damage following mumps, smallpox, varicocele, huge hydrocele, genital duct obstruction following gonorrhoeal, tubercular infections etc.
These are cases to be judged upon the extent of structural pathology to be cured under homoeopathy.
The third mode of employing medicines in diseases is “Isopathy”, as it is called, that is to say, “a method of curing a given disease by the same contagious principle that produces it”. Those who first brought Isopathy to notice, probably thought of the benefit which mankind received from cow pox (which is the result of inoculation of smallpox virus into a cow) vaccination by which the vaccinated individual is protected against future small pox infection and as it were cured in advance. But the point here is both cow pox and small pox are only similar and in no way the same disease. Their curing in advance should be attributed to underlying principle of Homoeopathy and none other that. Superficially isopathy and homoeopathy seem to be alike but the subtle difference between them is isopathy endeavours to cure a disease by the same contagious principle whereas homoeopathy cures by producing a similar disease [not the one which exactly causes the disease]. The flaw in the concept of Isopathy can be brought out with the example of vaccination.
Vaccination is a preventive treatment, particularly in infectious diseases, based on the concept of isopathy. The principle governing the concept of vaccination is stimulating immune response i.e., production of antibodies by the use of an infectious agent either the inactivated (non-infective) or attenuated (with reduced infectivity) forms of the disease-causing organisms, thus preventing the disease. But a simple point which is passed unnoticed not infrequently is that how can an attenuated or inactivated organism stimulate the immune system of the body for the production of antibodies. The reason behind this is that there is something active and still infectious which is potent enough to produce the disease as well as to arouse the immune reaction which is why the antibodies are produced. This fact can be corroborated by a not infrequent observation of appearance of fever and other reactions on administration of some vaccines. The advocators of vaccine theory may argue in favour of it that there is effective prevention of infectious diseases through vaccination. But the point here is that there is definite infection of individual with the disease which is not manifesting actively in the form of signs and symptoms. There are such symptomless disease conditions familiar to medical people as for example “incubation period” which is a phase between infection and active manifestation of the disease.
In the homoeopathic outlook, vaccination is one of the most potent factors behind the miseries from which mankind is groaning in the past few centuries. Early success of vaccination theory and compulsion brought widespread acceptance as well as mass vaccination campaigns which were undertaken put an end to all epidemics, particularly deadly fearful small pox to such an extent that the present generation does no longer possess a clear conception of the former frightful small pox plague. The fact is that the dreaded small pox on its every incidence used to clear unhealthy people and on the other hand those who are substantially healthy withstood the fatal attack of small pox and used to lead their complete span of life with fairly good quality. Universal immunization en masse for various epidemics initially reduced the child mortality rate giving scope for misleading statistics regarding increase of average human life span. By vaccination we are doing nothing but “survival of the unfittest”. This fact is very much clearly established by the statistic that the average full life span of a human being is progressively decreasing from 100+ years to 90 → 80 →70 → 60 → . . . .
Most importantly the gross reduction in child mortality is parallelly attended with simultaneous reduction in complete life span. There is also drastic decline in health standards as well as quality of life with the incidence of chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, paralysis, kidney failures, cancers etc., at too early an age as compared to our previous generations, an observation which is again confirming the point of “survival of the unfittest”.
In fact most of the epidemics come to our good as nature always tries to get rid of the morbific (disease) pollution through some vent so that the individual can carry on their living relatively healthier. Another fact which carries a great significance is that most epidemics give a fair indication of the future complaints as for example the occurrence of mumps suggests chances of future tonsillitis, hepatitis etc., as they all have their roots in glandular affections. Similarly whooping cough in children suggests the spasmophilic tendency with chances of future epilepsy, asthma, etc.,. The regular outlets, like small pox, chickenpox, polio, measles, mumps, whooping cough, typhoid etc., having been plugged by successful immunization programmes, nature strives hard in a fair manner to establish relatively new vents in the form of haemorrhagic dengue, bird-flu, swine-flu, SARS etc.,. This point can also be noticed in the frequent incidence of “stomach flu” in well developed countries where frequent vaccines are given for influenza [flu fever] as compared to frequent incidence of normal influenza in developing countries. The same point can be noted in the frequent incidence of peanut allergies (which occasionally turns out fatal) in well developed countries where vaccination is very much prevalent.
Most of the other systems of medicine consider leucorrhoea to be a common phenomenon and nothing serious until it reaches its zenith or with a worrying structural change such as cervical erosion, genital prolapse, cervical cancer etc.,.
There may be many causes, among which worth considering are constitutional debility, anaemia, inability to sustain physical as well as mental stress, sexual excesses, masturbation, intra-uterine contraceptive devices (like copper T, loop), gonorrhoeal infection and not to mention the structural changes cited above. Leucorrhoea usually appears first only before the commencement of each menses, afterwards they also continue a few days after the cessation of menses and then cease for from 8 to 14 days. They cause the diminution of menses and at length gradually the total disappearance of the menses, where upon the leucorrhoea begins to flow continuously.
When to take it serious?- if it is of bloody nature.
- when attended with itching of external genitals and vagina.
- with corrosion of skin over external genitals and adjacent parts of thighs, especially in walking.
- when attended with pain in lower abdomen, back, vagina and lower limbs.
- when associated with hysterical states of all kinds & innumerable disturbances of mind and body.
Loss of fluids is considered when there is
- 1. Excessive loss of blood (during menses, blood donation & other modes of bleeding)
- 2. Prolonged lactation and escape of milk from breasts.
- 3. Sexual excesses and masturbation.
- 4. Severe diarrhoea and vomitings & repeated use of laxatives as in worm infestations
- 5. Profuse sweating.
- 6. Fluid drained in conditions like hydrocele, hydrocephalus and effusion in pleura, pericardium etc.
(a) in mind.
- Over sensitiveness of nerves & senses i.e., sight, smell, hearing and taste.
- Timid nature and startling from all noises.
- Exhaustion and fainting.
- Overcautious, weeping, angry & quarrelsome disposition.
- Slimy, tasteless mouth.
- Perversions of taste mainly bitter, saltish and sour taste of food.
- Aversion to food though there is hunger.
- Hungry but knows not what to eat.
- Stupid feeling and confusion of head.
- Heaviness of head with headache.
Obesity is a rapidly growing concern all over the world with rise in incidence of obesity related disorders such as diabetes, heart problems etc.,. Before going to the causation and treatment of obesity, fundamentally we need to know about the tendencies relating to obesity. Some people have tendency to obesity and some others tendency to be lean. Those who have got tendency to obesity, being susceptible, easily become obese by the causative factors given below.
Diet & Regimen:
1. Those people who are of epicurean nature, being fond of food, take excess of food particularly those who are fond of junk foods surcharged with sedentary habits, needless to say, are highly prone to obesity. Mere habit without any disease background for the ravenous appetite should be altered by their self without medication.
2. People who are of the habit of taking dinner late in the night and remaining wakeful during nights as part of professional or personal activity are more inclined to be obese.
3. Living close to nature under normal temperature results in burning of some calories unnoticeably. Conversely prolonged dwelling in air-conditioned environment hampers this imperceptible burning of fat resulting in obesity.
4. Coffee on account of its stimulant nature increases the appetite and also for some other reasons yet to be known and proved causes obesity.
5. Alcohol intake along with spicy and fat rich food consumption is a sufficiently potent factor as far as obesity is concerned.
6. Habitual consumption of chilled drinks/beverages like coke, pepsi etc., along with fast/processed foods also results in obesity as it creates sluggishness in the economy, though occasional drinking is permissible.
7. Satisfying appetite is entirely different from eating to satiety. Ignoring this point people usually overload their stomachs which obviously results in obesity. To avoid this to happen one should take adequate quantity of food which merely satisfies the appetite and if necessary taking food again on feeling hungry is quite advisable.
Curability: Obesity already occasioned under erroneous diet and regimen can be cured under ideal homoeopathic treatments provided no further excitation occurs.
Surgical Causes:
Obesity arising as post surgical consequence is almost an irreversible condition. Surgeries of any kind such as hysterectomy, tonsillectomy, appendicectomy, caesarean section are potent factors resulting in this irreversible damage. In particular the family planning operations (tubectomy & vasectomy) may cause obesity even many years after. The reason for this is that the ova, sperms and various others which should be let out during menses and other ways remain inside and enter the blood circulation which turns out to be toxic to the system, result in obesity.
Curability: – In such conditions the patient being kept under genuine homoeopathic treatment can be prevented from becoming further more obese.
Medicinal Causes:
Weight gain is a most common, but often overlooked side effect to many widely prescribed drugs. In susceptible individuals weight gain may result in obesity. They are
1.Oestrogens used indiscriminately as oral contraceptive(OC) pills, for postponement and advancement of menses and various other gynaecological conditions as in hormone replacement therapies(HRT), postmenopausal deficiencies, polycystic ovarian syndrome(PCOS) etc.
2. Corticosteroids like Betamethasone, betnesol, entocort, wysolone used for chronic asthma, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, crohn’s & ulcerative colitis etc., taken internally and when used externally as topical applications for psoriasis, lichen planus etc.
3. Tricyclic anti-depressants like clomipramine,doxepin, imipramine used for depression.
4. Antipsychotic drugs like alprazolam, diazepam, clonazepam used as sedatives, tranquilizers, anxiety relievers and in epilepsy.
5. Anti-epileptics like eptoin, gardenal, tegrital, valproates used for epilepsy treatments.
6. Oral hypogylcemics like daonil, glynase, euglucon as well as insulin used for diabetes.
7. Drugs used in treatments for tuberculosis and hyperthyroidism.
Curability: These and many other drugs used for many weeks or even months may cause obesity of irreversible nature. If not abused to such an irreversible extent, the obesity brought forth can be reversed back under scientific homoeopathic treatment in course of time while curing the individual as a whole.
Disease Causes:
Obesity may be caused in some diseased conditions like hypothyroidism, cushing’s syndrome, frohlick’s syndrome (hypothalamic causes) and certain idiopathic conditions. Weight gain and a sensation of heaviness is a most troublesome condition produced along with other symptoms in these diseases.
Curability: These to a large extent can be cured by genuine homoeopathic treatment in a wholistic approach along with other disease symptoms.
1. Living close to nature, under moderate temperature (neither hot nor cold) conditions as long as possible to burn some calories unnoticeably.
2. Simultaneously avoid air-conditioned environment whenever and wherever possible.
3. If living in air-conditioned atmosphere is a compulsion, reduce as much diet as possible.
4. Eating as much as one requires in day time but reducing as much as at nights.
5. Limiting the intake of solids to 6 or 7 pm in the evening and staying on liquids like dilute milk, buttermilk etc., thereafter.
6. Going to bed early and waking up early.
7. Regular walking and Exercise in open air like gardening to maintain fitness particularly by those who lead a sedentary life.
8. Needless to say, reducing junk foods as well as fat rich foods to the extent possible.
9. Giving up stimulants like coffee, tea, tobacco etc.
10. Most important than the above all, refrain from using the drugs before listed which cause an irreversible damage.
11. Restricting the consumption of chilled drinks/beverages to rare occasions.
12. Restraining oneself to satisfying appetite rather than eating to satiety
Any kind of obesity treatments whether it be surgical, medical or alternative kind are not quite advisable in any type of obesity (reversible or irreversible) and in particular irreversible type of obesities as they result in many side effects apart from being temporary and short-lived in most instances. Mere dieting and thoughtless overexertion only end in profound weakness even in those reversible kinds of obesities. Anyhow in both the before said conditions, the obesity recurs in course of time establishing the short-lived nature of the treatments. The best way of curing obesity in a permanent manner is undergoing ideal homoeopathic treatment following appropriate dietary instructions which targets in curing the individual as a whole along with the obesity without any risk of side effects.
Sciatica is an inflammation of sciatic nerve usually marked by pain and tenderness along the course of nerve in the thigh and leg. If it happens to be occasioning from pressure over the nerve roots where it comes out from spinal column on account of injury, infection or degenerative changes resulting in disc bulge or even disc prolapse in the advanced stages manifests as sudden immobilizing pain.
Homoeopathy outlook:
As per Homoeopathy this is one of the many kinds of neuralgias occurring all over the body such as cervical neuralgia in the back of neck, brachial neuralgia in hands, pudendal neuralgia in genitals, supra and infra-orbital neuralgia above and below eyes, migraine in head, facial and trigeminal neuralgia in the face, teeth etc.
As is frequently said and regularly done in scientific homoeopathy the neuralgic tendency should be dealt with in an individual medicinally. If that is not done or surgery is opted, sciatica will shift from that part and appear in a transformed manner in a more important part bearing the corresponding name, the neuralgic tendency not being changed radically.
Homoeopathy shows its pre-eminence and outclasses almost all the other systems of medicine in the field of sexual diseases.
Homoeopathy offers quality treatments for conditions such as aversion to sex, abnormal sexual desire in both sexes (nymphomania and satyriasis), sexual perversions (homosexuality, incestial thoughts etc), diminished sexual desire, disposition to masturbation and complaints from suppression of sexual desire etc.,. It furnishes excellent cures to delayed and premature seminal emissions; frequent, continued, painful, incomplete or want of erection in males & lack of enjoyment, dryness and burning of vagina in females.
Far more important than these are the treatments for sexually transmitted diseases viz., gonorrhoea and syphilis which, when left to their own course or treated unhomoeopathically, result in disastrous conditions which the mankind is suffering from generations together. Homoeopathy alone recognizes the depth of these diseases and their uncanny potential to ruin the human health multifariously. Dr. Hahnemann had proposed for the first time in the history of medicine that these two namely, suppressed gonorrhoea and syphilis along with psora are chiefly responsible for innumerable multitude of diseases bearing those thousands of names i.e., the concept of miasms. Only through a patient and long standing homoeopathic treatment can the effects of these monstrous disease causing agents be eradicated from the mankind.
Most of the other systems of medicine reckon skin diseases as purely local and existing there independently without any relation whatsoever with the interior of the body. As per homoeopathy, which considers man as a single indivisible entity, disease (when left to its own course or when treated unhomoeopathically) progresses from
- Periphery to centre.
- Down to upwards.
- Less important organs to more important organs.
For example an abscess present on the skin yields easily to treatment and so safe. The same abscess when it appears in liver is a worrying condition, when in lung a serious condition and finally when in brain a deadly dangerous condition. The abscess per se may be the same but the location decides the gravity of the condition and turns out to be more and more serious as it travels towards centre, upwards and to more important organs. Skin being the most superficial part many diseases make their Expression on the skin as a substitute for a more serious complaint, as for instance urticarial rashes for asthma, ring worm for T.B. and intertrigo for diabetes usually. But the other systems of medicine considering them purely local diseases vainly suppose that they have cured them when they have driven them away by means of external applications, so that the internal affection is thereby compelled to break out on a more important part.
Hence any skin complaint should be considered as a blessing in disguise by the compassionate God as for example a leucoderma or psoriasis, which, however much they may seem unsightly, are still a boon because as far as depth is concerned they are as obstinate and one-sided as cancer to get cured but still never life threatening.
So, whatever may be the skin complaint viz., psoriasis, leucoderma, vitiligo, melasma, ring worm, intertrigo, urticarial rash, pimples, eczema etc., it is always advisable, without a single exception, to get cured under “ treatment”, which takes into consideration the external skin symptoms and other internal symptoms to cure, leaving no probability of internal complications arising there from.
This is the asthma proper in its strict sense with narrowing of trachea, bronchi etc. on account of spasmodic constriction giving forth to symptoms like paroxysmal dyspnoea observed usually in the early hours of morning, the patient waking up with tightness of chest, wheezing as well as dry, spasmodic cough. Most asthmatics are sensitive, intelligent and of dynamic personality and attacks are preceded by anxiety, frustration, over work, fatigue and sleeplessness.
As per Homoeopathy, most asthmatic individuals are predisposed to infantile eczema, urticarial rashes and migraine in the early age. An important observation is that in most of these cases, urticarial rashes (which appear as if mosquito or ant bite) occur as substitute to internal asthma. On suppression of these urticarial rashes with anti histamine drugs or other topical ointments, initially allergic colds (coryza or rhinitis) occur and on further suppression of which results spasmodic asthma. The spasmophilic nature being the undercurrent disease tendency, there will be family/personal history of epilepsy (fits), whooping cough or other spasmodic conditions like spasmodic cry, pains etc.
Use of broncho-dilators result in an increased bronchial spasm (as part of secondary action after the initial relaxation) compelling the patient to use them in more massive and frequent doses throughout their life. The use of steroid inhalers (used exclusively) causes weight gain & obesity and when used in combination with anti-histamines results in profound mental dullness, physical weakness and even sleepiness in many cases.
These are best cured under genuine homoeopathic mode of treatment which takes into consideration the family/personal disposition to urticarial rashes, infantile eczemas, migraine, epileptic (fits) tendencies and cures without any consequent complication of heart failures from COPDs (chronic obstructive pulmonary disorders).
The anti-allergic treatments being directed over the over sensitiveness of nervous system tend to cause the benumbing of nervous system which makes it dull and underactive. The side effects not confining to nervous system spread to other systems. Sedation or drowsiness being the most common and early side effect, there will be many evil consequences such as gradual blunting of senses; weakening of memory and intelligence; cloudy, depressive moods; slowing down of all bodily functions such as digestion, urination etc., occur from long term usage of anti-allergics and the long term usage is always a compulsion as the short term usage of drugs only helps in mitigating the present episode of allergy. One of the other evil consequences is that if in some cases the superficial allergies yield to these drugs, there appears a more serious allergy in a transformed manner as for example allergic coryza landing into asthma; urticarial rashes landing into asthma or conjunctivitis etc.,.
Homoeopathy, having the capability of eradicating the susceptibility, offers a quality life to the allergic individuals by making them non-reactive to those exciting factors even if they are exposed to them without any complication what so ever.
This is one of the most frequently met conditions in children and a little less in adults. When classified grossly it occurs as 3 varieties (1) Simple tonsillitis (2) Ulcerative tonsillitis and (3) Suppurative tonsillitis.
(1) Simple tonsillitis which mostly occurs in children below 15 years as part of inflammatory tendency in that individual with its classical features of pain, redness, swelling and heat (either locally in the part or generally as fever). Pain in throat on swallowing is most important symptom.
(2) Ulcerative tonsillitis frequently seen in adults which occurs as part of syphilitic constitutions studded with multiple ulcers on the enlarged tonsils and with relatively less pain in throat on swallowing.
(3) Suppurative tonsillitis also usually seen in adults which occurs as part of syphilitic constitutions with symptoms of pus in the enlarged tonsils, fever and pain in throat on swallowing. Pus formation in the ears and near the holes of ear rings, slow wound healing are associated features in such constitutions.
Firstly we should know what necessitates removal of tonsils. As is said in the simple tonsillitis, with every catching of cold, the tonsils get inflamed attended by the classical features. On usage of anti-inflammatory and anti-pyretic drugs each time all the signs of inflammation reduce except the swelling. On a fresh attack of cold, the already enlarged tonsils will redden up, swell further and become painful and the conventional treatments leave the tonsils more enlarged than the previous cold. Like this way the tonsils keep growing and at one stage, surgery is advised. Apart from inability to remove the inflammatory tendency and further leading to other more serious inflammatory conditions like appendicitis, hepatitis and pancreatitis etc., surgery also results in other serious complications like impaired hearing, migraine(sun) headaches, disturbances in menses etc.
The genuine homoeopathic treatment, firstly, does not allow the tonsils to grow to such an extent so as to force surgery when treated in the acute phases and even in chronic cases where tonsils are already enlarged under other treatments, the homoeopathic treatments are focused on reducing the swelling medically rather than relegating to surgery. Thus the homoeopathic treatments prevent the cases going into serious complications.
In most of the cases of dental decay, extraction of teeth happens to be the frequent choice of treatment. The reason they show for this decision is that the decaying process may spread from the affected tooth to the adjacent teeth. The corelessness of this assumption can be easily understood by two simple queries.
- Which factors provoked the present decayed tooth to start decay when it is healthy?
- How can we prevent the decaying of other teeth by just extracting the now decayed tooth
without removing those factors?
As per homoeopathy the factor behind it is the Decay causing tendency. We can cure the present decay and prevent the other teeth getting decayed by bringing a change in this decay causing tendency. Without a radical change in that tendency we can’t prevent the other teeth being affected just by extraction of present decayed tooth, which is a repeated experience in dental practice.
One more important thing is the expressionof the internal process of decay.
Uterine bleeding of different varieties with varying causes has reached to an alarming degree in the recent decades. It is observed, as menorrhagia(=excessive menstrual bleeding), metrorrhagia(=intermenstrual irregular bleeding) and polymenorrhoea(=too frequent menses), under two conditions. They are:
1. Those conditions with Organic Causes
2. Those without any organic lesion such as Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB)
Bleeding from organic lesions occurs in a) Cancer of uterus or cervix, b) uterine polyp, c) uterine fibroid, d) ovarian cysts, f) ovarian tumours, g) uterine malformations, h) endocrinal disorders i) Systemic causes like chronic hypertension, heart diseases, blood disorders etc.
Homoeopathy outlook:
According to Homoeopathy whatever may be the lesion, whether it be mere tumour or cancer or inflammation, it is there because there is that tendency such as inflammatory tendency, cancerous or tumour producing tendency in that individual which should be set right and cured through genuine homoeopathic treatment which is a permanent and safe method, free from complications, instead of quickly resorting to surgery which is a temporary and harmful measure with every risk of complications as it can only remove the lesion or concerned part (ovaries or uterus) or organ but not the tendency which is responsible for the present condition and will be undoubtedly responsible for future complications in a transformed manner.
This is the excessive uterine bleeding where no organic cause can be detected. It occurs as 1. Regular bleeding as in frequent, early menses with profuse bleeding for prolonged time from failure of constriction of uterine blood vessels, failure in clotting mechanism etc. 2. Irregular bleeding seen in puberty, pre-menopause, obesity, PCOD from endocrinal dysfunction and metropathia haemorrhagica.
Homoeopathy outlook:
As per Homoeopathy the DUB owes its background to congestive nature in an individual which can be dated back to childhood in the form of inflammatory complaints with fever, such as cold, bronchitis, tonsillitis, hepatitis, appendicitis etc., and later to headache on exposure to sun, copious bleeding during menses, profuse flowing milk from breast during lactation period (galactorhoea). Most importantly if the DUB be not cured, under genuine homoeopathic treatment, and left to its own course or treated with hormones and such other conventional methods, the case gradually progresses towards chronic hypertension.
As per Homoeopathy, Uterine bleeding occurs in two varieties (1) disordered menstrual bleeding and (2) metrorrhagia which is uterine bleeding other than menstrual origin such as from abortions, tubal pregnancy, intermenstrual bleeding, menopausal bleeding, during and after delivery, from polyps and fibroids, after sexual intercourse, exertion and emotional excitement etc. Basing on the individualization principle of homoeopathy various symptoms such as colour (bright, dark, brown, black or pale red) and consistency (thin, thick or stringy) of bleeding, pain and other general symptoms are noted down and treated accordingly in the classical lines of genuine homoeopathy.
Vaccination is a preventive treatment, particularly in infectious diseases, based on the concept of isopathy. The principle governing the concept of vaccination is stimulating immune response i.e., production of antibodies by the use of an infectious agent either the inactivated (non-infective) or attenuated (with reduced infectivity) forms of the disease-causing organisms, thus preventing the disease. But a simple point which is passed unnoticed not infrequently is that how can an attenuated or inactivated organism stimulate the immune system of the body for the production of antibodies. The reason behind this is that there is something active and still infectious which is potent enough to produce the disease as well as to arouse the immune reaction which is why the antibodies are produced. This fact can be corroborated by a not infrequent observation of appearance of fever and other reactions on administration of some vaccines. The advocators of vaccine theory may argue in favour of it that there is effective prevention of infectious diseases through vaccination. But the point here is that there is definite infection of individual with the disease which is not manifesting actively in the form of signs and symptoms. There are such symptomless disease conditions familiar to medical people as for example “incubation period” which is a phase between infection and active manifestation of the disease.
In the homoeopathic outlook, vaccination is one of the most potent factors behind the miseries from which mankind is groaning in the past few centuries. Early success of vaccination theory and compulsion brought widespread acceptance as well as mass vaccination campaigns which were undertaken put an end to all epidemics, particularly deadly fearful small pox to such an extent that the present generation does no longer possess a clear conception of the former frightful small pox plague. The fact is that the dreaded small pox on its every incidence used to clear unhealthy people and on the other hand those who are substantially healthy withstood the fatal attack of small pox and used to lead their complete span of life with fairly good quality. Universal immunization en masse for various epidemics initially reduced the child mortality rate giving scope for misleading statistics regarding increase of average human life span. By vaccination we are doing nothing but “survival of the unfittest”. This fact is very much clearly established by the statistic that the average full life span of a human being is progressively decreasing from 100+ years to 90 → 80 →70 → 60 → . . . . . . .
Most importantly the gross reduction in child mortality is parallelly attended with simultaneous reduction in complete life span. There is also drastic decline in health standards as well as quality of life with the incidence of chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, paralysis, kidney failures, cancers etc., at too early an age as compared to our previous generations, an observation which is again confirming the point of “survival of the unfittest”.
In fact most of the epidemics come to our good as nature always tries to get rid of the morbific (disease) pollution through some vent so that the individual can carry on their living relatively healthier. Another fact which carries a great significance is that most epidemics give a fair indication of the future complaints as for example the occurrence of mumps suggests chances of future tonsillitis, hepatitis etc., as they all have their roots in glandular affections. Similarly whooping cough in children suggests the spasmophilic tendency with chances of future epilepsy, asthma, etc.,. The regular outlets, like small pox, chickenpox, polio, measles, mumps, whooping cough, typhoid etc., having been plugged by successful immunization programmes, nature strives hard in a fair manner to establish relatively new vents in the form of haemorrhagic dengue, bird-flu, swine-flu, SARS etc.,. This point can also be noticed in the frequent incidence of “stomach flu” in well developed countries where frequent vaccines are given for influenza [flu fever] as compared to frequent incidence of normal influenza in developing countries. The same point can be noted in the frequent incidence of peanut allergies (which occasionally turns out fatal) in well developed countries where vaccination is very much prevalent.
Many people believe that drinking much water is good for health. Many believe that it relieves the constipation problem, that it dissolves the kidney stones, that it cleanses the system from impurities. These are all faulty notions as for instance, constipation always do not arise from less intake of waterThere is nothing of medicinal value in water to relieve constipation. For those people in whom it relieves constipation is nothing but conditioned reflex as for example there are many people who do not fall sleep without drinking milk, many people feel hungry after brushing teeth in the morning. Likewise kidney stones do not form from less intake of water, without a Stone forming tendency as part of their constitution. For the same reason we do not observe formation of stones in all those people who are habitually less water drinking individuals and the vice versa in whom we observe stones who take large quantities of water habitually..
Nature has created the phenomenon of thirst to supply the adequate amount of water to the body. It is decided upon three criterion (1) amount of water used for regular metabolic activities (2) to replace the loss of fluids from sweating & in other forms and (3) passing colourless urine attended with no burning sensation. So we need to take water as per the demands of our body which is expressed in the form of thirst or when we ignore this, nature expresses in another form as yellow and burning urine suggesting more intake of water. By just obeying the nature’s demands we can supply the sufficient quantity of fluids required for the smooth running of bodily functions. This is the only hard and fast rule. We need to seek a medical solution for those conditions like constipation and urinary stones etc.
The amount of excess water taken in (beyond our thirst), having no influence or change in the metabolic needs or sweating, should be passed out in the form of urine. This creates a huge burden over kidneys, where filtration is done, and over urinary bladder, where storage is done, which may even eventually result in kidney failure owing to fatigue from over work. In this process there may even be loss of electrolytes which are essential for our health. For this, some people say filtering of clear water does not affect kidneys much, comparing it to the function of candles in water filter which does not get damaged by filtering pure water. However one should not forget that fatigue is a fundamental phenomenon for every living tissue. We can run a bike by filling the fuel without any fatigue to the vehicle whereas a person can’t run unlimited distances without fatigue just by drinking glucose or some other energy drink.
Basically Yoga & Meditation were not developed to maintain good physique or improve health or mental peace or some other earthly benefit. The purpose behind yoga or meditation is to create a mental stillness or balance so that it can be employed for the higher purposes of this human existence.
So, whatever may be the purpose one has in mind, these are certainly useful for relaxation of mind. Nevetheless one needs to be morally upright while practising these and the diet which a person follows has a major impact over these practices. As per the Hindu philosophy one should strictly follow the so called “Satvikahara” or balanced food during these yogic or meditation practices. It should be bland without any sour, salty, bitter and peppery ingredients. Apart from being bland, the food should be of such a quality which enhances vitality, energy, vigour, health, joy and cheerfulness and also savoury, oleaginous, substantial and agreeable. The food with such qualities alters the nature of those individuals who wish to develop sattva guna or balanced personality.
As meditation or yoga involves liberation of spiritual energy during their practice, one should not practice them while they are under homoeopathy treatment. The reason is that the homoeopathy medicines, being in energy form, there may be an incompatibility between these two energy forms, namely spiritual and medicinal energies, which may obstruct the process of cure.